Chrome 4-colour Biro with Pao-y Artwork, designed by Inkymole.

  • Chrome 4-colour Biro with Pao-y Artwork, designed by Inkymole.
  • Chrome 4-colour Biro with Pao-y Artwork, designed by Inkymole.
  • Chrome 4-colour Biro with Pao-y Artwork, designed by Inkymole.
  • Chrome 4-colour Biro with Pao-y Artwork, designed by Inkymole.

Sarah did the illustrations for some recent BIC pen adverts, which featured a little Pao front and centre.
Every Pao needs a pen or two in its tiny glovebox, so if you want one which has featured *the car itself* in its ad campaign, pick up one of these!

For more of Inkymole's range of artworks for sale and related stationery items, then please click here.

If you have any questions about anything for sale or would like to have more photos of a particular item/s, then please do ask via the contact form.

(Word to the wise: When you buy anything from us which contains original artwork, you’re buying only the product; no rights to reproduce, copy, amend, remix or repurpose the image are included or implied, and it is protected by copyright worldwide.)